Pesach | April 23rd, 2023
Last Pesach season, the MK launched a revolutionary, modern website designed to be the “Google for Passover”. A total of 20,227 people used to search for their Passover answers. Here’s how it works: whether one is shopping for pesach or about to kosherize their sink, prescribed an OTC medication or in any other scenario…
Pesach | April 23rd, 2023
Anyone who has made Passover knows that the amount of questions that crop up in the days leading up to the chag is near endless. How do I kosherize the oven? Is my toothpaste acceptable for Passover use? Which coffee is okay to consume on Passover? Enter the MK’s ‘Passover Answered’ service. “It’s non stop…
News & Alerts | April 10th, 2023
News & Alerts | April 10th, 2023
Pesach | March 30th, 2023
Pesach | March 28th, 2023
Pesach | March 27th, 2023
Pesach | March 8th, 2023
Canada’s Passover Guide 2023 is now out! Our guide will be delivered to stores and Synagogues all across Canada. The Passover guide is also available online: Your comprehensive Passover shopping guide, kashering guide, pesach lists and so much more. We here at the MK look forward to helping you make a Kosher pesach in…
News & Alerts Uncategorised | March 6th, 2023
What an awesome event! This past Moitze Shabbos 30 Mashgichim gathered for a “Mashgiach Appreciation Melave Malka”! Mashgichim are hard working heroes, and our whole community owes them a massive thank you! Rabbi Emanuel welcomed our Mashgichim to the event and thanked them for their incredible work and dedication to Kashrus in Montreal. Rav Cremisi,…
Blog | March 2nd, 2023
A Kosher certification is an absolute must for any business wanting to reach the pinnacle of success in today’s competitive market. It can truly be a game-changer, transforming a business from average to extraordinary in the blink of an eye. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for understanding the basics and benefits of a…