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Did you say Free? How MK helps Hospitals, Old Age Homes, Foster Cares, Camps and Mada

Community | May 1st, 2023

You thought Kashering your kitchen was hard? Imagine Kashering a kitchen 100 times that size:) A large team of Mashgichim did just that to Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital! That takes an army of mashgichim and supervisors, as well as lots of coordination from the MK office! Did you know that the entire Jewish General is…

Pesach Kashering, Shatnez and Sheimos

Pesach | April 27th, 2023

On Sunday April 1st 2023, MK’s parking lot was hustling and bustling all day long!  The non stop traffic coming and going was a display of a beautiful nation preparing for a special holiday. MK Rabbanim were present all day to oversee our koshering services in the large tent. We had MK Personnel with boiling…

MK’s First Ever Sefardic Guide Receives Tremendous Feedback!

Pesach | April 24th, 2023

Needless to say, our first-ever all Sefardic publication was met with tremendous feedback. Members from all across the Sefardic community reached out with ideas, comments, compliments and constructive criticism. Our Sefardic department headed by Rabbi Haim Y. Mamane worked tirelessly to bring forth a quality magazine with Divrei Torah, Halachot, Kashrut articles and practical guides….


Pesach | April 24th, 2023

The MK designated a day before passover on which a doctor and pharmacist came on site and answered calls from consumers all across the country. We thank Dr Zaklos and Mr Farkas for their time they dedicate to helping the community. This service to the MK is a well known service and was very well…


Pesach | April 23rd, 2023

Last Pesach season, the MK launched a revolutionary, modern website designed to be the “Google for Passover”. A total of 20,227 people used to search for their Passover answers. Here’s how it works: whether one is shopping for pesach or about to kosherize their sink, prescribed an OTC medication or in any other scenario…

The Texts Came Pouring in From all Over the World: MK Pesach Line

Pesach | April 23rd, 2023

Anyone who has made Passover knows that the amount of questions that crop up in the days leading up to the chag is near endless. How do I kosherize the oven? Is my toothpaste acceptable for Passover use? Which coffee is okay to consume on Passover? Enter the MK’s ‘Passover Answered’ service. “It’s non stop…

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