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Delicious Without Gluten

Articles of Interest Kosher | May 31st, 2017

Delicious without gluten is a company with a name that reflects exactly who they are and what they do. No guessing here. About six years ago, when Miriam Pearl’s son was five years old his level of activity dropped.  He became lethargic and had severe stomach aches but never a gastro. Being a diligent mother,…

Kosher Alert – Morehouse dressings

Kosher alert | May 26th, 2017

Brand: MOREHOUSE FOODS CANADA LTD. Product: LE GREC RANCH DRESSING AND LE GREC CAESAR DRESSING Alert: Mislabeled with an MK Parve symbol, Product is DAIRY. Corrective action has been taken    

Fontaine Santé – The Epic Growth of a Company

Articles of Interest | May 19th, 2017

For many, hummus is a staple in their diet. It’s healthy, tasty and versatile.  Recently, Montreal and North America acquired a new delicious and very distinctive hummus under the MK label – Fontaine Santé. The variety of products prepared by Fontaine Santé is staggering: beet hummus, garlic hummus, roasted red pepper hummus, ginger sesame hummus…

The Wisdom of the letters

Uncategorised | May 12th, 2017

by Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech Reprinted with permission of Rabbi Blech. Originally published in the MK Vaad News & Views, May, 2001 Chazal (Menachos 29b) teach us that the world was created using the mystical attributes of the letters of the Alef Bais. Each letter contributed an essential and unique ingredient to the spirituality of…

The Making of Kosher Wine, Beer, and Spirits

Uncategorised | May 12th, 2017

By Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech Reprinted with permission from Vaad Ha’ir of Montreal Volume 1, Issue 8 Adar Sheini 5760 / March 2000 © 2000 Rabbi Blech For each of the past two thousand years, the Jewish people have observed the holiday of Purim to celebrate their deliverance from the evil decree of the Persian…


Uncategorised | May 12th, 2017

by: Rabbi Zushe Blech reprinted with permission of Rabbi Blech. Originally published in the MK Vaad News & Views, April, May, 2002. There is a category of food that seems to defy classification. It is not fruit nor vegetable nor animal, yet exhibits the characteristics of them all. As every child studies the laws of…


Uncategorised | May 12th, 2017

by Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech Reprinted with permission of Rabbi Blech. Originally published in the MK Vaad News & Views, August 2000 When it comes to food, we generally consider fresh food to be best. We relish fresh fruits and vegetables to the extent that Chazal decreed a special blessing of thanksgiving (“Shehechiyanu”) when we…

The Fortunes of a Fish

Uncategorised | May 12th, 2017

Genesis 48:16 by: Rabbi Zushe Blech reprinted with permission of MK Vaad News & Views, Febuary, 2000, © Vaad Ha’ir of Montreal. The Jewish calendar is based upon lunar cycles, with provision for a periodic intercalary month to ensure that the relationship between the Holidays and the seasons is maintained. This year, we enjoy an…

Kosher Column-Vacation Time

Articles of Interest | May 12th, 2017

As the school year comes to an end and families look forward to spending time together, plans are made to go away, to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. We all deserve a break and there is no better time than summer to take advantage of this opportunity.  There are those who will…

Kosher Column-Popular Passover Questions

Articles of Interest | May 12th, 2017

        With the arrival of Passover, all of us are busy preparing for this exciting Festival. Much preparation takes place by the ladies of the household ensuring that all of the Chametz (unleavened) items have been removed. We then commence taking out the Passover items as well as doing all the Passover…

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