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Radouga Distilleries: Bringing Quality Liquor Across Canada

Articles of Interest | October 28th, 2019

When Radouga Distilleries launched in 2014, it began with the mission of bringing quality liquor production to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which until then, had rarely seen high-quality liquor across the province. With care and attention to detail at the company, using all Canadian recipes and small-batch boutique quality, Radouga Distilleries has set itself upon the competition…

New Restaurant Opens! Sababa

New certifications | October 24th, 2019

New Israeli Style Restaurant Opens its doors in Montreal! A new Israeli style meat/ Pareve restaurant has opened its doors in Decarie Square. Sababa Resto is owned by a long time Montreal Kosher food veteran.   Lots of seating / Parking Lot / Conveniently Located / Delicious Food  6900 Décarie Blvd #101 Montreal, Quebec H3X…

Yoshon update:

Yoshon Alerts | October 24th, 2019

Montreal Sukkah Guide

Kosher | October 11th, 2019

By The Way – Halachic guide To Tefillas Haderech

Articles of Interest | September 18th, 2019

By The Way “… and when you set out on the road, take counsel from your Creator, and only then depart…” Words of Eliyahu HaNavi to Rav Yehuda, Berachos 29b As the Gemara continues, this sagacious advice would ultimately be enshrined eternally in Halacha, with a full-fledged Rabbinic ordinance to “consult” with Hakadosh Baruch Hu…

Grounds for Concern

Articles of Interest | September 12th, 2019

A Kashrus assessment of the purchase of Cold-Brew Coffee To be clear from the onset, the objective of this article is not to discuss the general topic of permissibility of consuming coffee from Starbucks, Second Cup, 7-11 or any other store lacking proper Kosher oversight and certification. Much has been written concerning this topic, and…

An Open & Shut Matter

Articles of Interest | September 12th, 2019

Consumer Alert: A new innovation has appeared on the market known as the Shabbos Bottle Opener. While an innovative and useful device, there are situations where reliance on this device can be problematic, as detailed below. As per our consultations with Rav Pesach Eliyahu Falk Shlit”a and other Rabbonim, we feel it is necessary to…

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