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Practical Pesach Pointers!

Pesach | April 10th, 2024

By Rabbi Haim Y Mamane Previously Approved without KFP List If a product was approved last year without special Pesach certification, it doesn’t mean it’s the same this year. Only purchase products that were published as approved for this Pesach. Pesach Aisle Just because an item was found in the Pesach aisle, it doesn’t mean…

Pesach, Sefirat HaOmer, and Kemach Yashan

Pesach | April 10th, 2024

By Rabbi Haim Y. Mamane Part 1 On the second day of Pesach, we begin to count Sefirat HaOmer. This continues for the next forty-nine days, up until Shavuot. Yet, the second day of Pesach carries another significant and perhaps lesser-known event: it is on this day that all grains become yashan. Yes, I am…

Kashrut Challenges in the Modern-Day Food Industry

Pesach | April 10th, 2024

By: Rabbi Haim Y Mamane Pesach Policies When Pesach comes along, we often hear some say, “These products are only prohibited for Ashkenazim but permitted for Sefaradim” or “This is only kitnyot, what could possibly be wrong?” There are indeed some significant differences in halachic criteria between Sefaradim and Ashkenazim that would result in the…

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