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Reflecting on Passover 2024: MK Kosher’s Commitment to Community Service

Pesach | May 6th, 2024

At MK Kosher, the Passover season of 2024 was not only a testament to our dedication to kosher certification but also a reaffirmation of our commitment to serving the Montreal Jewish, kosher community with passion and excellence. Throughout the Passover season, the MK Kosher office buzzed with activity as our team diligently worked to support…

MK Kosher Passover services

Pesach | April 16th, 2024

Passover Questions? We’ve got answers: Call us at 514-739-6363. We’re here for you! MK Kosher: Serving the Canadian Kosher community since 1922!

SUPER SUNDAY! Passover Kashering and much more!

Pesach | April 12th, 2024

MK Presents: SUPER SUNDAY For all Your Pesach Preparations! 🍽️ KASHERING SERVICE Witness the transformation of your kitchenware! Overseen by the Vaad HaRabbonim 📦 Sheimos Drop Off Dispose of your sacred items respectfully. 🔍 Shatnez Checking Ensure your garments are pure for the holiday. 🔥 Challah Burning For all your Challah you saved all year….

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