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Canada’s Passover Guide 2023

Pesach | March 8th, 2023

Canada’s Passover Guide 2023 is now out! Our guide will be delivered to stores and Synagogues all across Canada. The Passover guide is also available online: Your comprehensive Passover shopping guide, kashering guide, pesach lists and so much more. We here at the MK look forward to helping you make a Kosher pesach in…

Mashgiach Appreciation Event!

News & Alerts Uncategorised | March 6th, 2023

What an awesome event! This past Moitze Shabbos 30 Mashgichim gathered for a “Mashgiach Appreciation Melave Malka”! Mashgichim are hard working heroes, and our whole community owes them a massive thank you! Rabbi Emanuel welcomed our Mashgichim to the event and thanked them for their incredible work and dedication to Kashrus in Montreal. Rav Cremisi,…

A Comprehensive Guide To Kosher Certification: Understanding The Basics And Benefits

Blog | March 2nd, 2023

A Kosher certification is an absolute must for any business wanting to reach the pinnacle of success in today’s competitive market. It can truly be a game-changer, transforming a business from average to extraordinary in the blink of an eye. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for understanding the basics and benefits of a…

MK Produce Guide 2023

Kosher | January 30th, 2023

Yoshon Update 5

Yoshon Alerts | January 25th, 2023


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