Pesach | March 27th, 2023
Pesach | March 8th, 2023
Canada’s Passover Guide 2023 is now out! Our guide will be delivered to stores and Synagogues all across Canada. The Passover guide is also available online: Your comprehensive Passover shopping guide, kashering guide, pesach lists and so much more. We here at the MK look forward to helping you make a Kosher pesach in…
News & Alerts Uncategorised | March 6th, 2023
What an awesome event! This past Moitze Shabbos 30 Mashgichim gathered for a “Mashgiach Appreciation Melave Malka”! Mashgichim are hard working heroes, and our whole community owes them a massive thank you! Rabbi Emanuel welcomed our Mashgichim to the event and thanked them for their incredible work and dedication to Kashrus in Montreal. Rav Cremisi,…
Kosher | January 30th, 2023
Community | January 4th, 2023
Community | December 18th, 2022
Chanuka commences on the 25th of Kislev and continues for 8 days. During this period, one doesn’t fast or carry out any eulogies except for a Torah scholar in his presence. The mitzvah of lighting candles is obligatory upon all of us. Every household should have at least one candleburning every night. The custom is to…
Community | December 15th, 2022
PDF: Canada’s Kosher Donut Guide – Chanukah 2022
Kosher alert | December 14th, 2022
Please be advised that with immediate effect, MOZART RESTAURANT, located at 5335A Queen Mary Rd, is no longer certified by the .
New certifications | November 30th, 2022
Little Red Kitchen Bake Shop is the one of latest companies which are now MK kosher certified and they are from Brooklyn, New York. What makes Little Red Kitchen unique is the fact that they create extraordinary, kosher-ready cookies that are very tasty and suitable for people of all ages. The company has limited edition…