Kosher alert | March 17th, 2021
Pesach | March 11th, 2021
Pesach | March 11th, 2021
Kosher alert | March 9th, 2021
Articles of Interest | February 23rd, 2021
מרדכי מן התורה מנין? חולין קל”ט ע”ב Whence Commeth Mordechai? Chullin 139 By: Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech Z”L The manufacture of flavor essences is one of the oldest crafts in the food industry. While many botanicals are used as spices, only a small fraction of the plant material actually contributes its distinctive flavor. Food chemists…
Articles of Interest | February 23rd, 2021
וכשר הדבר לפני המלך אסתר ח’ ה’ And it is Kosher before the King Esther 8:5 By: Rabbi Zushe Yosef Blech Z”L Some of the Kashrus terms we use in everyday parlance have evolved far from their original meanings. Everyone knows that when we say something is “Treif” we mean that it is “not Kosher” –…
Articles of Interest | January 25th, 2021
Jan. 21 2021 / 8 Shvat 5781 RABBI DESMOND MAIZELS Z”TL On Erev Shabbos, Parshas VaEira, the world woke up to shocking news, the passing of a huge icon in the world of Kashrus, Rabbi Desmond Maizels, of Capetown, South Africa. Having had the opportunity of working in conjunction with Rabbi Maizels for over 35…
Kosher | January 21st, 2021
Articles of Interest | January 6th, 2021
The MK proudly certifies Radouga Distilleries as an important part of its kosher family! Proudly hailing from Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Radouga’s spirits combine quality, local-sourced water with Saskatchewan’s famous wheats to create perfectly smooth vodkas and uniquely flavoured liqueurs. Radouga’s remote origins don’t make it any less competitive amongst big league distilleries. In 2015,…
Kosher | December 29th, 2020
At Brad’s Plant Based, passion and purpose are at the heart of everything the company strives to deliver. The CEO of Brad’s Plant Based, Arthur Pergament, discovered his passion to bring plant-based snacking options in the consumer space due to an encounter that would forever change his life. While he was jogging one afternoon in…