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Fruit Juice: An in Depth Analysis

Articles of Interest | May 3rd, 2024

When the sunshine makes its much-anticipated appearance, along with it come delicious and refreshing summer drinks. While freshly squeezed lemonade, energy-boosting vegetable juices, and creamy smoothies are indeed something to look forward to, they raise interesting halachic questions that need to be addressed.  What is the appropriate berachah for fresh fruit and vegetable juices? How…

Shemittah Wine Concerns for the Montreal kosher Community

Kosher alert | April 18th, 2024

Dear Montreal Community, The MK would like to notify the public that Shemitta wines are currently present on the wine market. As we approach the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, it’s important to be aware of the intricate laws surrounding shemittah wine and its consumption. Shemittah refers to the seventh year in the agricultural cycle,…

MK Kosher Passover services

Pesach | April 16th, 2024

Passover Questions? We’ve got answers: Call us at 514-739-6363. We’re here for you! MK Kosher: Serving the Canadian Kosher community since 1922!

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